바깥의 안쪽 Outside in, plaster, 2024, plaster bandage, plastic net, polyurethane foam, dimension variable
A양이라고 불리는 아이 A girl called A 2023, Laser Marking on Tile, 25 x 40 cm
분명한 일들의 모호한 윤곽 Ambiguous Silhouette of Preciseness, 2022, Plaster on stainless sheet, 60 x 85cm (6 pieces)
어제의 지금(지금의 내일) The Now of Yesterday (Tomorrow of the Now), 2021, Two structures, lighting, and motion sensors, 216x122x120cm, 170x218x244cm
부유물 Floatings, 2021, Cast epoxy, 20x18x18cm, 25x25x23cm, 25x11x11cm, 15x25x11cm, 30x25x60cm, 20x23x20cm, 28x28x19cm, 35x25x16cm
자국의 흔적 Traces of the Mark, 2021, a. Phosphorescent pigment on zinc plate, 100x80cm each (three pieces), b. UV printing on glass, 60x90cm each (four pieces), c. Transparent pigment on glass, 55x55cm